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8 Steps to Make Children Smart

Smart children are one of the things that they are proud of. Smart children are not only smart or know the answers to questions asked to them, but also a talented student who is able to understand a subject or problem in depth. What makes a child smart? Here are some supporting ways to raise smart kids. Smart is not always about the level of cognitive intelligence through IQ measurement. Child development experts are now trying to find ways for children to fulfill their overall intellectual potential. And without putting too much pressure on the child. Making smart children can be a challenge for parents, families, and teaching staff. Give support to the process of growth and development into a smart child with the following steps:

Meet balanced nutrition

Research says, as fast as a child runs while playing at home and at school, as soon as his brain grows and develops. The child's brain will experience rapid growth from birth until the child is 4 years old. The period that is classified as critical for brain development is strongly influenced by the intake of nutrients they consume. Healthy foods, such as eggs, yogurt, whole grains, nuts, oats, fish, fruits and vegetables, will have a good effect on the child's cognitive and focus abilities. Breakfast is one of the most important children's meal times of their development. Research shows that children who eat healthy food at breakfast every morning are able to focus attention and remember better than children who do not eat breakfast.

Read early on

This activity helps a lot of children learn during their development. Not only language skills, but also learn to focus attention to hone imagination. Researchers say, children who read at home at preschool age have better reading skills when entering school. Reading books or stories to children is also proven to be able to stimulate children's brain growth and development, so that their cognitive abilities and language become better.

Recognize learning styles

Each child learns in a different way. Recognizing this can help parents to guide children in learning to understand and process information better. In general, there are three categories of learning styles, namely auditory, visual, and physical. For children with auditory learning styles, learning will be faster through the sense of hearing, for example listening to the teacher and parent's explanations. While the visual learning style will absorb information better through the sense of sight, for example reading a book or looking at pictures. Then, the physical learning style needs to touch and demonstrate it to be able to learn and understand new concepts.

Appreciate the learning process

Not only adults, children also need to be respected. Research says that children who feel valued by their parents learn better and get better grades in school because of their high learning enthusiasm. Parents are advised to focus on the process, rather than just appreciating the results. This can also help instill in children's thinking that they can get better results by trying and working hard, which in turn will also support success.

Sharpen emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is no less important than cognitive intelligence as measured by IQ. Emotional intelligence will actually help the development of cognitive and social abilities in children. Help toddlers (under three years) recognize their emotions. For example, when he collides with another child while playing, then the parent can say it as an accident. Teaching this will help the child respond appropriately and avoid excessive resentment.

Study foreign languages

Some of the benefits of learning a foreign language or educating children bilingual, include training better communication skills, and encouraging cognitive development, creativity, mathematics, and science. Linguists say that children who learn foreign languages ​​also have better abilities to solve problems and think creatively.

Introducing art

Some studies conclude, children who study musical instruments get better grades for language tests, verbal memory, mathematics, and IQ. One expert said, areas of the brain that are stimulated when playing music, include areas of the brain that regulate reading, mathematics, reasoning related to space, and problem solving. The arts and crafts are also important to support the learning process that makes children smart. Benefits include stimulating academic and remembering abilities, and encouraging self-confidence and the ability to think independently.

Give creative play opportunities

To develop creativity naturally, parents can provide space that can stimulate the imagination of children. No need to rely on the latest or expensive toys. Some simple materials, such as empty boxes, crayons, or stacking toy blocks, can be an option. No less important for the development of the brain so that smart children are having a loving relationship with parents and people around them. Interacting and communicating with children, for example playing together or talking, is very important. The role of parents in encouraging and supporting intelligent children is very important. Adjust the encouragement and enthusiasm you give to the abilities and interests of each child. If you feel your child has a problem related to intelligence, no need to hesitate to consult a doctor.
